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Control, Robotics and A.I. in Environment

Multiple UAVs for Tributary Mapping

  • Recently, with the increase in environmental pollution, the need for management systems that can effectively manage natural systems and ecosystems has emerged. However, existing methods for tributary management with satellite-based mapping have limitations such as high costs and low availability depending on the weather. To overcome these limitations, previous studies have utilized, UAV-based mapping for managing natural systems performed using a single UAV. A single UAV has clear limitations in covering unstructured and large-scale natural systems as, single UAV-based mapping requires a longer exploration time, and as the exploration range expands, the limitations become more prominent. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a multi-robot-based supervisory control system to solve real-field problems. This study contributes to how to define tributary mapping problems, how to model multi-robot systems based on formal methods, how to design behavior specifications for cooperative control, and how to validate them. Unlike the control systems of recent studies, which mainly deal with continuous-time dynamics, we modeled a multi-robot system based on a discrete event system in which the dynamic states are transitioned by asynchronous events. The proposed multi-robot-based supervisory control system was validated in dynamic simulators and showed that multi-UAV satisfy the behavior specifications. Soon, the multi-UAV system for tributary mapping will be evaluated in the real field.

Multi-Channel Airborne Electromagnetic Survey System using Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • Cooperative control of multi-UAV to transport a huge-sized transmitter loop

  • Formation control of multi-UAV to transport multiple receiver loops

  • Formation change control of multi-UAV to increase EM survey accuracy of multiple receiver loops

Telerobotics for Soil Sampling

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  • Conventional soil sampling performed by humans is not possible in dangerous areas or inaccessible areas, but this problem can be overcome by using haptic teleoperation using unmanned ground vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles with robotic arms. Research is ongoing to make the sampling work more comfortable by giving the user a haptic feedback about the soil during remote sampling. We established a soil sampling environment in virtual space and will measure how much haptic feedback contributes users' sampling task via various experiments.

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