2018 -

2nd Mudeung-san Climbing
November 14, 2020
Some HRA lab. members enjoyed Mudeung-san again.

2nd BBQ Party
November 12, 2020
We had 2nd BBQ party in front of Field Machinery Laboratory.

Agricultural Robot Competition
October 30, 2020
Our Lab. Members won 1st Prize in Agricultural Robot Competition, organized by Korea Society for Agricultural Machinery

2020 HRA Lab. Autumn Workshop
October 13-15, 2020
HRA Laboratory had Autumn Workshop at Yeosu, October 13-15, 2020.

Workshop on Cucumber Harvesting Robot and Demonstration
September 18, 2020
We had Workshop on Cucumber Harvesting Robot and presented demonstration on agricultural robotics-related works of HRA Lab.

2020 ICROS Annual Conference
July 2-3, 2020
Our works, "Design of End-effector for Harvesting Robot based on Suction Gripper for Tomato Harvesting" and "Development of Deep Learning-based Tomato Detection and Manipulator Control System for Tomato Harvesting Robot" were presented by Jaehwi and Jeong In, respectively at 2020 the 35th ICROS Annual Conference, Sokcho, South Korea. Particularly, Jeong In was awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Student Paper Award.

HRA Open Lab.
October 30, 2020
Our Lab. had an Open Lab. event for undergraduate students.

A Dinner
April 1, 2020
We had a dinner to welcome new members and to wish Sechang's a safe and meaningful military service.

Year-end Party
December 23, 2019
HRA lab. had 2019 year-end party.

IROS 2019
November 4-8, 2019
We participated 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) at Macau, China. Our lab. member, Chanyoung presented "Formal Methods based Modular Supervisory Control for Heterogeneous Robot Team" at the Workshop on Informed Scientific Sampling in Large-scale Outdoor Environments at the IROS 2019.

November 5-7, 2019
Our lab. member, Junyoung gave talk "A Feasibility Study of Tributary Mapping using Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" at INWEPF-PAWEES 2019 International Conference, Seoul, Korea,

ICCAS 2019
October 15-18, 2019
We participated 2019 the 19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2019) and also had an exciting workshop at Jeju. Our lab. members, Jeongeun and Seungwon gave talks "Deep Learning-based Intelligent Spraying Systems" and "Tributrary Mapping with Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Feasibility Analysis via Simulation", respectively at the session on agricultural and construction robotics organized by Prof. Son.

Mudeung-san Climbing
September 28, 2019
We enjoyed Mudeung-san.

A BBQ Party
May13, 2020
We had a BBQ party to welcome new member, Junghyun at the backyard of HRA lab.

2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting
July 10, 2019
Chanyoung Ju presented his paper "Hybrid Systems based Modeling and Control of Heterogeneous Agricultural Robots for Field Operations" at ASABE 2019 Annual International Meeting, Boston, MA.

2nd HRA Line Tracer Competition
May 27, 2019
We had 2nd HRA Line Tracer Competition.

ICRA 2019
May 20-23, 2019
Chanyoung and Jungeun enjoyed 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Montreal, Canada.

WISET-ICROS Young Researcher Award
May 16, 2019
Jeongeun was awarded WISET-ICROS Young Researcher Award at 2019 ICROS Annual Conference.

2019 ICROS Annual Conference
May 16, 2019
Our works, "A Voronoi-based Task Allocation for Multiple Spraying Robots in Orchard" and "Negotiation Strategy using Bargaining Model for Multi-UAV Task Allocation" were presented at 2019 the 34th ICROS Annual Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea.

Outstanding Student Paper Award at 2019 KSAM Spring Conference
May 10, 2019
Jeongeun Kim received Outstanding Student Paper Award for her paper "A Voronoi-based Workspace Segmentation for Collaboration of Multiple Spraying Robots in Orchard" at the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery (KSAM) 2019 Spring Conference in Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.

2019 KSAM Spring Conference
May 10, 2019
Our works, "Research Status on Cooperative Control of Heterogeneous Agricultural Field Robots", "Ramadge-Wonham Theory based Supervisory Control of Heterogeneous Agricultural Field Robots", "Bargaining-based Negotiation Strategy for Area Subdivision of Remote Sensing using Multi-UAV", and "Development of Soft Gripper for Automatic Tomato Harvesting Robot in Controlled Environments Horticulture" were presented at the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery (KSAM) 2019 Spring Conference in Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.

A Dinner
August 28, 2019
We had a dinner to celebrate Sechang's birthday and welcome new semester.

Welcome Party
March 08, 2019
HRA lab. had a dinner to welcome new lab members and semester.

2019 KRoC Conference and HRA Lab. Winter Workshop
January 21-23, 2019
Our works, "Supervisory Controller Design for Cooperation of Heterogeneous Agricultural Robot Systems" and "Design of Deep Learning Based Intelligent Sprayer System for Pear Orchard" were presented at The 14th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC'19) in PyeongChang, South Korea. And HRA lab. had a Winter Workshop at Phoenix Park, Pyeongchang, January 21-23, 2019

2019 New Year's Party
January 02, 2019
HRA lab. had 2019 New Year's party.

KSAM 2018 Autumn Conference Outstanding Paper Award
October 19, 2018
Seungwon Kim is presenting his paper "Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Active Tracking and Mapping System of Small Insect" co-authored with Chanyoung Ju at KSAM 2018 Autumn Conference in Seoul, South Korea.

2018 ICCAS Conference
October 17, 2018
Our works, "Design of a 4-Finger End-Effector for Paprika Harvesting" and "Discrete Event Systems based Modeling for Agricultural Multiple UnmannedAerial Vehicles: Automata Theory Approach" were presented at Organized Session on Agricultural and Construction Robotics, 2018 International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS'18) in PyeongChang, South Korea.

Autonomous Vehicle Competition
October 11, 2018
Our Lab. Members won a 2nd Prize in Autonomous Vehicle Competition, Yeongyeong-gun Office e-mobility Expo Bureau.

HRA Line Tracer Competition
April 04, 2019
We had 1st HRA Line Tracer Competition.

2018 IROS Conference
October 03, 2018
Our works, "End-effector with Four-finger Grasper for Autonomous Harvesting of Paprika" and "Toward a Supervisory Control of Multi-UAV System for Agricultural Applications" were presented at Late Breaking Results Poster Session, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018) in Madrid, Spain.

2018 UR Conference
June 28, 2018
Our work, "Intelligent Spraying System for Autonomous Orchard Sprayer: Work-In-Progress Report" was presented by Jeongeun Kim at International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots in Honolulu, Hawaii.

2018 ICROS Conference
May 18, 2018
Our works, "농업용 군집드론의 원격탐사 성능평가" and "지능형 방제를 위한 노즐 제어 시스템 개발" by Chanyoung and Jungeun, respectively were presented at 2018 ICROS Annual Conference in Buan, South Korea.