Ongoing Projects (Funding)
BK21 FOUR Center for IT-Bio Convergence System Agriculture
funding: NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea)
period: September 1 2020 - August 31 2027 (84 months)
team: Chonnam National University, Sunchon National University, Chosun University
role: Participant
Development of Monitoring, Fruit Thinning and Harvesting Robot for Hydroponic
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair, 421031-04)
period: April 7 2021 - December 31 2024 (45 months)
team: National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, HADA, VIA, Chonnam National University, Seoul National University, Chungnam National University, FACT (Foundation of Agri, Tech, Commercialization & Transfer)
role: Co-Principal Investigator (3책 5공)
Development of Agricultural Robotics Platform for Digital Agriculture: From Laboratory to Field
funding: NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF-2023R1A2C1003701)
period: March 1 2023 - February 28 2028 (60 months)
team: Chonnam National University
role: Principal Investigator (3책 5공)
Development of Digital Management Technology for Pest of Varroa Destructor and Vespa for Climate Change Adaption
funding: RDA (Rural Development Administration, RS-2023-00232224)
period: April 1 2023 - December 31 2026 (45 months)
team: Kangwon National University, Chonnam National University
role: Co-Principal Investigator (3책 5공)
Fostering Expertise and Advancing Technologies in Digital Agriculture
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair, RS-2024-00397026)
period: April 1 2024 - December 31 2028 (57 months)
team: Chonnam National University, Chungnam National University
role: Participant
Human Resources Training for FoodTech and Research and Development of FoodTech
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair, RS-2024-00xxxxxxx)
period: April 1 2024 - December 31 2028 (57 months)
team: Seoul National University, Chonnam National University, Kyungpook National University, POSTECH
role: Participant
The Development of High Skilled and Innovative Manpower to Lead the Innovation based on Robot
funding: MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, RS-2024-00406796)
period: March 1 2024 - February 29 2029 (60 months)
team: KIRIA (Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement), Pusan National University, Chungnam National University, Chonnam National University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Yeungnam University, Kwangwoon University
role: Participant
Green-Bio Convergence and Open Sharing System
funding: MOE (Ministry of Education)
period: June 1 2024 - February 29 2028 (45 months)
team: Chungnam National University, Seoul National University, Chonnam National University, Kyung Hee University, Yonam University
role: Principal Investigator
Development of AI Autonomous Manufacturing System for the Production Process of High-Difficulty Curved Ship Blocks
funding: MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, xxxx)
period: October 1 2024 - December 31 2027 (39 months)
team: HD Hyundai Samho, Neuromeka, Diden Robotics, Chonnam National University, Mokpo National University, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Taejin
role: Co-Principal Investigator (3책 5공)
Completed Projects
The Development of High Skilled and Innovative Manpower to Lead the Innovation based on Robot
funding: MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, P008473)
period: March 1 2019 - February 29 2024 (60 months)
team: KIRIA (Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement), Pusan National University, Chungnam National University, Chonnam National University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Yeungnam University
role: Participant
Study on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Active Searching of Vespa Velutina's Nests
funding: RDA (Rural Development Administration, PJ014761)
period: January 1 2020 - December 31 2023 (48 months)
team: Incheon National University, Andong National University, Chonnam National University, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences
role: Co-Principal Investigator (3책 5공)
Development of Technologies for the Contamination Prevention and the Discriminant Analysis of Unpredictable Hazard Materials
funding: RDA (Rural Development Administration, PJ015053)
period: January 1 2020 - December 31 2023 (48 months)
team: Chonnam National University, Hanyang University, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences
role: Participant
A Study on Autonomous Cooperation for Heterogeneous Agricultural Field Robots
funding: NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF-2018R1D1A1B07046948 )
period: June 1 2018 - May 31 2023 (60 months)
team: Chonnam National University
role: Principal Investigator
Development of Driving Platform for a Self-propelled Kimchi Cabbage Harvester
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair, 716001-07)
period: January 1 2020 - February 28 2023 (38 months)
team: Sunchon National University, Jeonbuk National University, Chonnam National University
role: Co-Principal Investigator (3책 5공)
Development of Greenhouse Cucumber Harvesting Robot
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair, 320029-03)
period: April 1 2020 - December 31 2022 (33 months)
team: LifeNTech, Chonnam National University, Seoul National University, Chungnam National University, HADA, FACT (Foundation of Agri, Tech, Commercialization & Transfer)
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Development of Robot Systems and Operation Procedures for Unmanned Automation on Monitoring, Spray, Harvest, and Movement in Horticulture
funding: MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, 20004055)
period: April 1 2019 - December 31 2021 (33 months)
team: DRB Fatek, KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), Chonnam National University, GMT
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Development of Self-driving System for Followed Transport Robot in Greenhouse Smart Farm
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair, 320086-01)
period: July 3 2020 - July 2 2021 (12 months)
team: HADA, Jeonbuk National University, KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Chonnam National University, Seoul National University
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Development of an Autonomous Sprayer suitable for Atypical Road Surface of an Actual Orchard
funding: MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, 10076868)
period: April 1 2017 - December 31 2020 (45 months)
team: Unmanned Solution, Tong Yang Moolsan, Chonnam National University, Korea National University of Transportation, KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Development of Core Teleoperation Technologies for Maintaining and Reparing Tasks in Nuclear Power Plants
funding: MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy ,10060070)
period: December 1 2015 - November 30 2019 (48 months)
team: KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), Korea University of Technology & Education, Seoual National University, Chonnam National University
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Development of Soft Gripper for Tomato Harvesting in Green House
funding: NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea)
period: July 1 2018 - January 31 2019 (7 months)
team: Chonnam National University, Hybrid Robotics
role: Principal Investigator
Development of the Damage Minimizing Technology Against New Invasive and Damaging Wasps
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 316038-3)
period: May 19 2016 - December 31 2018 (32 months)
team: Chonnam National University, Damok Ecotech
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Development of an Autonomous Robot for Harvesting Sweet Pepper (End-effector Module)
funding: SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration, C0532586)
period: September 1 2017 - August 31 2018 (12 months)
team: Chonnam National University, Jin Technology
role: Principal Investigator
Multi-modal Swarm Teleoperation of Agricultural Unmanned Aerial-Ground Robots for Enhancing Agricultural Performance
funding: NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF-2015R1C1A1A02036875 )
period: July 1 2015 - June 30 2018 (36 months)
team: Chonnam National University
role: Principal Investigator
Development of an Autonomous Robot for Harvesting Sweet Pepper (Mobile Platform and Perception Modules)
funding: SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration, C0512382 and C0513968)
period: July 20 2017 - April 19 2018 (9 months)
team: Chonnam National University, The Harmony, Jin Technology
role: Principal Investigator
Development of Smart Multi-Drone System Based on Swarm Teleoperation for Enhancing Crop Production
funding: MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 115062-2)
period: December18 2015 - December 17 2017 (24 months)
team: Chonman National University, Korea National University of Transportation
role: Principal Investigator
Basic Study on Multi-modal Swarm Teleoperation of Agricultural Unmanned Aerial Robots for Enhancing Agricultural Performance
funding: Chonnam National University (2015-0536 )
period: July 1 2015 - February 28 2017
role: Principal Investigator
Development of a Robot-Technologies with Damage-monitoring and Improvement of Aeroelastic Performance for 5MW Offshore Wind Turbine Blade
funding: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (2011-539-10041117)
period: December 1 2011 - November 30 2015
role: Principal Investigator
Development of a Tele-Service Engine and Tele-Robot Systems with Multi-lateral Feedback
funding: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (2011-199-10040132)
period: June 1 2011 - May 31 2014
role: Co-Principal Investigator
Psychophysics Based Synchronization for Optimized Kinesthetic Perception of Remotely-Operated Gastronintestinal Endoscope
funding: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2011-356-D00003)
period: September 1 2011 - August 31 2012
role: Principal Investigator