KSAM 2016 Fall Conference Outstanding Paper Award
November 02, 2016
Our work "Psychophysical Performance Evaluation of Virtual Guide for Haptic Teleoperated Harvesting Robot" was awarded Outstanding Paper Award among 175 papers at 2016 KSAM 2016 Fall Conference in Cheonan, South Korea.
Invited Talk by Dr. Antonio Franchi
October 16, 2016
Dr. Antonio Franchi in LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France visited our lab and gave a talk entitled "Control of Physically Interactive Aerial Robots: from Models to Experiments".
2016 IROS Conference
October 10, 2016
We attended 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Daejeon, South Korea.
Jinsu's birthday
August 22, 2016
Congratulation ~~~!!
Lab. workshop in Muju Resort.
August 21, 2016
We had a summer workshop in Muju Resort.
Hiking Mudeung Mountain in Gwangju.
August 12, 2016
Very hot summer
2016 Biosystems Engineering Major Summer Workshop in Bamboo Park, Damyang
July 27, 2016
HRA Lab. July Birthday Party
July 19, 2016
Happy birthday~~
2016 ICRA Conference
May 16, 2016
Our work "Wire-Driven Parallel Robotics System and Its Control for Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines" was presented at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Stockholm, Sweden.
Teacher's Day
May 14, 2016
We had a tea time to celebrate Teacher's Day.
KSAM 2016 Spring Conference
April 28, 2016
We attended KSAM (Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery) 2016 Spring Conference held in National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Jeonju, South Korea.
MOTIE Project Meeting with KUT, UT, and KAERI
March 28, 2016
We had a meeting about the project, Development of Core Teleoperation Technologies for Maintaining and Reparing Tasks in Nuclear Power Plants, with Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea National University of Transportation, and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.